The psychological and behavioral effects of the visual media content presented on Corona and its relationship to the source's credibility

Document Type : Original Article


Associate Professor of Radio and Television Al-Azhar University Associate Professor of language and communication college-Arab Academy For Science,Technology and Maritime Transport


The aim of the research is to identify the psychological and behavioral effects of the Corona pandemic through the exposure of university students to the content of visual media, and this study belongs to descriptive studies, and the study relied on the survey method, and the study sample consisted of (500) single Egyptian university youth from universities (Cairo). - Al-Azhar - Tanta - October 6 - American University), and the survey questionnaire was used as a basic tool for collecting data on the subject of the study, and a number of important results were concluded: - The "official government websites" were among the most important sources for university students following the Corona pandemic through visual media content , Followed by the “World Health Organization website,” then “the official Ministry of Health page on social media,” and finally “social networking sites”, - the most important factors affecting the source’s credibility were the visual media content of the Corona pandemic “based on numbers and percentages instead of Little and Great, then "relying on various and information sources", followed by "citing what is actually happening", and finally "attribution of news to its sources", - there is a positive correlation between the credibility of the visual media Z associated with the Corona pandemic and its psychological and behavioral effects


Main Subjects

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