The Effectiveness of the Media as a Source of Health Information for the Egyptian Public during the Coronavirus Crisis

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Public Relations Media Department, Faculty of Arts \ Helwan University.


The current study aims to identify how the public seeks to obtain information about the Corona pandemic from various media as a source for enhancing collective awareness; identify their preferences for specific information sources, not others; and learn how to use that information in facing this pandemic by applying the theory of information search.
The study sample consists of 200 respondents. Data was collected via an online survey to ensure social distancing during May 2020.
The study concluded to some results as following:
-The current study found that nearly 81.5% were following the news of the virus through various media, which proves that individuals in times of crisis seek to follow the media intensively to fill the lack of knowledge and reduce the state of tension suffer.
- There is a direct, statistically significant correlation between public exposure to the Coronavirus content in different media, the extent of their participation in commenting on media content, and their perception of the media's positive role in raising awareness of Coronavirus.
-There is a statistically significant positive correlation between the media's credibility among the public and their perception of the media's positive role in raising awareness of Coronavirus infection. The more credible the media and news are, the more positive the public will evaluate them. 


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