The role of caricature in shaping the attitudes of university youth towards promoting societal peace and combating extremism: A quasi-experimental study

Document Type : Original Article


Teacher at Mass Communication Dept., Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University


The study aimed to identify a group of cognitive and emotional effects of the functional dimensions of caricature in the websites of the independent electronic newspapers represented in Al-Masry Al-Youm and Al-Youm Al-Sabea, among its users of journalism students. The study has focused on the caricature published after the crisis of Macron's anti-Islam statements, concerning the cognitive processes of the respondents and its implications on their understanding of the content presented in its verbal and non-verbal connotations. Also, to what extent the caricature contributes formation of the respondents’ attitudes towards combating extremism and promoting societal peace?
A semi-experimental study relied on the Information Processing theory and it was applied to a sample of 58 respondents who were divided into an experimental and a control group. The study reached several results, including The respondents’ dependent on Al-Masry Al-Youm and Al-Youm Al-Sabea, websites to get information in general, and to follow caricature specifically. The respondents considered the caricature as an artistic tool, with creative interest which has the power of shaping the public opinion towards different issues and its parties through analysis and criticism, that helps expand the respondents’ perceptions and satisfy their interests. The experimental group considered extremism as a behavior pursued to achieve the goals of groups and represented in terrorism, while the control group considered extremism as an intellectual and ideological base.
The caricature has helped in strengthening societal peace and combating extremism, as it contributed to raising awareness of the danger of extremism and shaping tendency towards provocative parties. The respondents explained through experimental interviews that their exposure to caricatures made them more anxious about society, and they have become more appreciative of the state's efforts in combating extremism.


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