Contact Person's Recruitment of Trending News in Social Networks and their Impact on Professional and Ethical Practice. A field Study.

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Journalism and Publishing, Faculty of Mass Communication - Al-Azhar University


Social networks have become one of the important tributaries for producing and publishing news due to the interactive features of this new communication environment (sharing - commenting - and others) that make them able to build the public's agenda and even build the agenda of other media outlets towards some of the issues, problems, or events that society is going through. The study aimed to monitor the reasons for employing journalists in Egyptian news sites and portals for popular news in social networks, to identify the factors affecting the employment of this news in Egyptian portals and news sites, and to reveal the impact of employing this news on the contact person’s commitment to the foundations of professional and ethical practice, through a sample Among the communicators in the Egyptian news websites and portals with different ideologies are "national, partisan, and especially" whose strength reached "143" singles, and the study concluded that Facebook topped the introduction of social networks on which the contact person relies in journalistic work. The results also showed the diversity of reasons for employing popular news in social networks, in journalistic work, there are reasons related to the audience of these networks as one of the reasons for this Recruitment, or reasons related to the popular content, as the study demonstrated the impact of publishing popular news on the professional practice of the contact person in news sites and portals, whether about achieving the scoop at the expense of inaccuracy and objectivity.


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