The future of Egyptian journalism in light of artificial intelligence journalism techniques over the next decade, from 2021 to 2030, a forward looking study

Document Type : Original Article


Teaching of journalism at the faculty of Mass Communication - 6th of October University


The study aimed to achieve the main goal represented in revealing the future of the Egyptian press in light of artificial intelligence techniques during the next decade (2021-2030). The study was based on building its variables and interpreting its results on the expected scenarios for the future of the Egyptian press in light of artificial intelligence techniques and the entrance to information systems. In this descriptive study, the researcher used questionnaires and in-depth interviews on a sample of fifty journalists and editors from across the Egyptian journalistic institutions. "the study sample" besides conducting electronic interviews for a sample of journalistic leaders.
The results of the study reached the formulation of future scenarios for journalism in light of artificial intelligence techniques during the next decade (2021-2030), which are the optimistic scenario, the reference scenario, and the pessimistic scenario, and that the motives for using artificial intelligence journalism in newspapers in the future face the decline of newspaper readers, raising work efficiency. A journalist for journalists, trying to increase the profits of press institutions, achieving an advanced ranking between newspapers and competing media outlets.
 The study also recommended the need to take advantage of the steps of the future design of artificial intelligence journalism and to include it in the curricula of Egyptian media colleges and departments because it has a positive impact on the future of journalism, raise the efficiency of newspaper editors and encourage them to expand their skill circle and attend special training courses on artificial intelligence.


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