Universities students use for expressive symbols (Emoji) in social network site (face book) and it's reflection on perceiving the quality of the virtual friendship

Document Type : Original Article


An assistant prof. of journalism at the department of educational media - faculty of specific education- Minia University


 Universities students use expressive symbols (Emoji) in social network sites (Facebook) and it's a reflection on perceiving the quality of the virtual friendship < /strong>
Goals of the study: 
This study aims at Universities students use for expressive symbols (Emoji) in social network sites (Facebook) and it's a reflection on perceiving the quality of the virtual friendship < /strong>
Type and method of the study:
This study belongs to the descriptive ones and uses the method of sampling survey 
The sample:
The researcher applied his study on a random sample of (400) items from fourth-graders in the department of educational information at faculty of specific education –Minia university as much like (100) respondents. 
Tools of the study: 
1) A paper questionnaire 
2) A scale of the quality of virtual friendship prepared by the researcher.
The most important findings:
* There is a statistically significant direct correlation between students' use of expressive symbols (Emoji) at social network sites (Facebook) and the perception of the virtual friendship quality. 
* There is a statistically significant direct correlation between students' use of expressive symbols (Emoji) at social network sites (Facebook) and their interaction with their posts.


Main Subjects

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