Strategies for Combating cybercrimes in the Information Age in support of Egypt's 2030 vision: A prospective study

Document Type : Original Article


Assistant Professor - Faculty of Arts - Damietta University


In this study, a strategy has been developed for cybercrimes prevention. Many aspects have been considered in the strategy and they can be applied at different levels. In addition to protecting society from rumors, and misinformation on social media, the strategy aims to ensure the integrity of the work of different public sectors by ensuring their security from any intrusions which will enhance the maintenance of national security.
By exploring the views of experts and specialists through three different rounds using a Delphi method and a strategic planning method, the study concluded the following: First, there are many reasons and methods for the spread of cybercrimes. Second, because of the cybercrimes, there are a variety of threats on social, political, security, and economic levels. Third, many mechanisms are proposed to reduce the risks and spread of such crimes, maintain infrastructure security and social safety. These mechanisms range from legal, security, technology, media, education mechanisms to effective international collaboration.


Main Subjects

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