Egyptian religious institutions employ their digital platforms to address the Corona pandemic- Analytical study within the framework of Multi-platform concep

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer at publishing and press Department, Faculty of media, Al-azhar University


Assessment of media role of Egyptian official religious institutes during COVID 19 pandemic has been discussed in the research. This ocurrs through the use of these institutes' digital platforms within the context of media integration concept beside how the religious institutes cope with new situations of the pandemic , The role has been played by institutes to raise awareness of the pandemic and how to protect yourself, and the methods have been used by the digital platforms to influence the reader.From (February 1, 2020) to (June 30, 2021) both Media survey method and systematic comparison between the platforms of the study sample have been followed by the reseacher. "Post" has been used as analysis unit.
The research reached a set of results including the official religious institutions effectively employed their multiple and various digital platforms for the purpose of enhancing the presence of the religious discourse during pandemic, encouraged citizens to follow Egyptian state preventive measures and raise awareness to face the pandemic. Integration between these platforms - during the pandemic - has achieved by republishing content of the other platforms, co-operation between different platforms, directing readers to common materials published on other platforms, republishing non-religious platforms contents.
Emotional and logical inferences have been used. the lack of interactive services on the religious institutions website of the study sample has been shown in the research.


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