Framing for providing international news sites for the crisis of the stranded ship in the Suez Canal

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer in Educational Media Department Faculty of Specific Education - Mansoura University


The current study aimed to identify the Framing for providing international news websites for the crisis of the stranded ship in the Suez Canal, and this study is one of the descriptive studies that used the survey method using the quantitative analysis method, the study sample included (France 24, Sky News Arabic, CNN Arabic, RT Arabic).
The study reached the top of the specific framework in the first order, followed by the general framework according to the classification of the media framework used, and the framework of the strategy, and the framework of responsibility and humanitarian concerns, according to the classification of the media framework according to the context of the news sites the sample of the study, The words Suez Canal, national security and ship flotation also came from the main words used in the study sample news sites, Among the media techniques used in news websites, the study sample is the counter-attack technique, showcasing force, escalation, and diverting direction. The key figures in the news websites were the head of the Suez Canal Authority, the president's advisor for the affairs of the Suez Canal Authority projects, and a navigational source.


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