The Attitude of Media Students In Upper Egypt Towards using the Artificial Intelligence in the Media Work

Document Type : Original Article


Higher Technological Institute for Information in Minya


This study Ends with a Group of Results; its Most Important One is the Media Students' knowledge of Artificial Intelligence which was Medium. Also Following the Technical News was their First Source of knowing the Concept of Artificial Intelligence. However, their knowledge of the Media Fields that Use Artificial Intelligence was High, but their Evaluation of its Effectiveness was Medium. Also, the Perceived Effects of Using the Artificial Intelligence in Media Work of the Researchers have Positive and Negative Effects and it was Noticed that the Positive Effects have the Highest Presence in their Minds. The results of the study revealed that the media learners have one neutral Attitude towards using artificial intelligence in media work. It was noticed the progress of the behavior component over the rest of the measurement components followed by the cognitive component. The attitude intensity was in the middle between them. While the sentimental component came in the last rank and it was noticed that its attitude intensity was low. It was proved that there was a statistically significant correlation between the media Students' attitude to using artificial intelligence in the media Work and both of their cognitive level and their evaluation of their efficiency to use the artificial intelligence in the media Work and its positive effects. Also, there was a statistically significant correlation between the media students' knowledge of the concept of artificial intelligence and their informatics level.


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