Public acceptance of the uses of health applications through smart phone technologies in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its communicative effects on them A study in a typical framework of use, influences, and acceptance of technology.


Faculty of Specific Education, Port Said University - Egypt College of Arts, King Saud University - Riyadh - Saudi Arabia


The researcher based his research inferences on two inputs in this study, the first is "Kim and Robin's Uses and Effects Model", and the second is the "Technology Acceptance Model". The reliance on the first approach, “the uses and effects model” came to give the recipient a positive characteristic, as it is proposed to link between the public’s uses of technology means, and the effects resulting from the individual choices and behaviors of members of the public towards these various means, represented in the effects of satisfaction, social interaction and cultural implantation, as a result of the uses active and utilitarian technological applications, The second entry, "Technology Acceptance Model" came to come up with an integrated vision about the impact of the public's use of health applications on their acceptance of technology through smartphones.
     The study aimed to reveal the activity that supports and hinders the communication effects of the public in Saudi society (citizens and residents) with health applications via smartphones, Monitoring the factors affecting public acceptance of health applications, testing, and interpreting the relationship between the communicative effects of health applications, and public acceptance factors for their use via smartphones.
      The results of the study found the factors that the public in Saudi society, citizens and residents, accept to use health applications through smart phone applications, It was represented in (perceived ease of use), then (perceived benefit), then (behavioral intentions) and finally (actual use), And it came out that there is a significant relationship between the communicative effects of health applications, and the factors of public acceptance in Saudi society for their use via smart phones, Except that there is no relationship to the effects of realism and both behavioral intentions, and the perceived benefit of audience acceptance of use, and also no relationship to effects of satisfaction, actual use of applications.


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