Facebook sports pages and their role in spreading intolerance and hate speech

Document Type : Original Article


Institute of Higher Afro-Asian Studies, Suez Canal University


The study sought to study and analyze the treatment of sports pages via Facebook for sporting events and to determine their role in spreading intolerance and hate speech, using the descriptive curriculum and content analysis form as a data collection tool, which was applied to my page The study came out with a number of findings, the most important of which being that sports pages on Facebook are influencing the increase of intolerance in a clear way through their dissemination of hate speech and intolerance, which is reflected in the high percentage of their use of media spraying, mockery and bullying in most of their publications. and the lack of interest in the sports pages in journalistic arts and the confinement of press news. They merely cover the surface of the event and do not try to dig deeper into the causes and solutions. Freedom of expression is also granted through comments on the topics. The results also show that the overall thrust of content provided via the sports pages is positive towards the club that the page supports and supports by praising the club's achievements and heroics. The analysis of sports pages is based on the statements and opinions of sports personalities through the adoption of motivation and excitement.


Main Subjects

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