The level of news media literacy skills for students of educational media at Minia University: A study considering the James Potter model of media literacy

Document Type : Original Article


Associate professor at Radio and TV, Educational Media department, Faculty of specific education, Minia University


The researcher used meta-analysis to news media literacy studies from (2009 to 202) which amounted to (49) studies, the study monitored the research problems,  curricula, and tools used and the community and sample of the study using content analyzing tools in both quantitative and qualitative aspects and results indicated that there is a deficiency in the Arab school in news media literacy studies, and most of the studies were based on James Potter model of media literacy to measure news media literacy.
The current study was therefore based on the James Potter model to identify the level of news media literacy in a sample of students in the Department of Educational Media (412 individuals), furthermore, the researcher used cluster analysis to identify the common characteristics of the study sample, and the results concluded that the sample of the study was differentiated into two groups (clusters), the proportion of students with high levels of news media literacy (n = 133, 32.3%), and low-level students (n = 279, 67.7%), additionally to the common qualities of students with a high-level They are more motivated to consume news, and in comparison to low-level students for news media literacy, they are skeptical of the news media.


Main Subjects

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