The phenomenon of Fear of Missing Out ’FoMO’ and its relationship to the online purchasing behavior of the Egyptian consumer - A field study

Document Type : Original Article


Misr University for Science and Technology


It is an attempt to understand the impact of the phenomenon of fear of missing an opportunity that may accompany e-shopping addicts in their purchasing behavior of different products and brands online, and an attempt to monitor and explain this effect during the five stages of purchasing behavior, which are: (attracting attention, generating interest, searching, purchasing act share). The study also examines the effect of the mediating variables associated with this phenomenon in shaping the purchasing behavior of the respondents, which are demographic characteristics, excessive use of social media, the intensity of exposure to online shopping platforms, and the extent to which they are affected by celebrities.
The study found a direct correlation between the respondents' fear of missing out on the opportunity to purchase their products online, and all five stages of electronic purchasing behavior; Besides the total purchasing behavior itself, which is the main hypothesis of the study, the "research" stage was the largest in the value of the relationship level, which is the stage that involves comparing products with multiple electronic stores; In terms of quality, price, methods of use and others, followed by the stage of attracting attention, while the stage of the purchasing act was the least related to the phenomenon of fear of missing the opportunity. The high level came to dominate the respondents' attitudes in the three middle stages of the electronic purchasing behavior; They are, respectively, (attention, purchasing action, research), while the low level dominated the respondents' trends in the last stage in electronic purchasing behavior, which is "research", which was consistent with the opinions of the respondents in the two focus groups; This indicates that the respondents are satisfied with making the purchasing decision without lending any interest in sharing their consumer experiences with the purchased product.


Main Subjects

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