The Recent World Trends in Educational Media Research Meta-Analysis Study in the period 2016-2021

Document Type : Original Article


The problem of this study is determined by monitoring and analyzing the scientific heritage of Educational media research in Arab and foreign studies during the period from 2016 to 2021, in terms of its research problems, theoretical frameworks and methodological techniques, to monitor its strengths and weaknesses theoretically and methodically, and to provide an integrated vision based on the method of analysis from the level The second is Meta-Analysis, which aims to build the critical insight needed to develop Educational media research. Among the most important findings of this study:
- The results revealed the increasing interest of researchers, especially in the United States, European countries and Asia, in Educational media studies, compared to other researchers in other societies.
-The results indicated the predominance of studies that dealt with Scholastic Journalism during the analysis period at the overall level of Educational media fields.
- There is a noticeable scarcity in the dependence of Arab and foreign studies on theoretical frameworks, as the results of the study indicated that 30.1% of the total of these studies used clear and specific theoretical frameworks.
- It is clear that descriptive studies are the most widely used studies in Educational media studies, reaching 83.1%.
- The survey approach came at the forefront of these approaches, with a percentage of 72.3% of the total studies that were subject to analysis.
It comes at the forefront of the data collection tools that were employed within the framework of the questionnaire studies, with 44.6% of the total studies that were subject to analysis.
- The predominance of non-probability samples over field studies of Educational media during the analysis period, as the number of studies that depended on non-probability samples reached (46), representing 55.4% of the totall sample.


Main Subjects

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