The Egyptian Public Exposure to Movies teasers through social networking sites and its relationship to their attitudes towards watching them

Document Type : Original Article


radio &tv. mass Communication, Al Azhar university


This study sought to know the role of the movie teaser (promo) on social networking sites in the audience's knowledge of the films shown in cinemas, as well as its ability to form the audience's attitudes towards the movie, and the motives of users' exposure to the teaser advertisements presented through social networking sites, and to know The best types of teaser advertisements attract the audience. The data of the field study was collected by designing an electronic questionnaire by applying it to (400) individuals from the Egyptian audience of different demographic characteristics. The first rank is followed by those who watch “always” in the second rank, and in the third rank are those who watch “rarely”. As for the favorite platforms through which the sample watches the promo, the first came “Facebook”, and “YouTube” platform came in second place, while “Instagram” platform came in third place, and “Twitter” platform came in the fourth place.


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