The Treatment of the Arab Economical Development Issues in the International channels presented in ArabicAnalytical study on a sample of economical programs

Document Type : Original Article


Canadian international College in egypt


The research aims at analyzing the content of the economical programs in the international channels that are presenting content in Arabic, to know how the Arab economical development issues are presented and the image presented about those economical issues.
Research Aims:
1-     Analyze the economic programs in the international channels presented in Arabic
2-     To know how the Arab economical developments issues are presented and to what extent it is presented.
3-     To evaluate the Economical Media in Egypt and to present the media experts’ suggestions for improvement.
The research depended on both the Quantitative and the qualitative methods, applying the content analysis on a sample of economical programs in two channels which Is CNBC and France 24 And also the researchers applied the Focus group discussion with a number of Media Experts
Sample of the research
The sample was two programs in Which is “ تحت الضوء on CNBC And “الأسبوع الاقتصادي” on France 24 .
Main results:
-          The discussion format was the most commonly used with a percentage of (96.4%)
-          The duration of the part presenting the arab development topic was short from 1 to 3 minutes with a percentage of (61,8%)
-          The most commonly used frame is the “ Economical consequences” with a percentage of 80%
-          According to the Experts the most viewed economical programs is on “Al sharq Bloomberg channel “


Main Subjects

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