Assessing the Effectiveness of Television Commercials in Raising Awareness of Sustainable Natural Resources among Egyptians

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ahram Canadian University

2 Radio and Tv, Faculty of Mass Communication, Ahram Canadian University, Giza, Egypt


Sustainable natural resources management is a critical issue in Egypt, which is facing significant challenges in managing its natural resources. Television commercials are one of the most commonly used channels to raise awareness among the population about the importance of sustainable natural resources management.
This study aims to examine the role of Egyptian media in promoting sustainable natural resources through TV commercials and to explore the effectiveness of these commercials in providing information, raising awareness, and shaping attitudes and behaviors towards sustainable natural resources among Egyptians. The study used a mixed-methods approach, combining both qualitative and quantitative data collection and analysis methods.
The survey revealed that the majority of respondents had prior knowledge of eco-friendly products and natural resources, and the presidential campaign "Ethadar Lel Akhdar" was the most-watched TV ad. Dependency on celebrities' endorsements was the most effective means to reach the audience, and new media platforms were the most effective medium for promoting environmental awareness. While the results of the content analysis focused on three TV ads: the Ethadar Lel Akhdar campaign’s TV advertisement, the National Council of Women’s TV advertisement and the National Council of Women’s TV advertisement. The ads used a variety of visual elements and frames were found, such as crisis, call-to-action, individual responsibility, and environmental conservation frames, to emphasize the importance of taking action to protect the environment. The ads are serious in tone and use emotional appeals to evoke a sense of responsibility and motivation in viewers


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