Employment of Egyptian news websites for video clips in covering incidents on their Facebook pages - an analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


El Azhar university faculty of mass communication


Social media platforms differ among themselves according to the form of the predominant content on them, which increases their influence and the number of their followers. Video clips - which vary in duration - are among the common features of most social media platforms and are widely spread. However, recently, video clips have been employed to address and cover incidents of all kinds - Such as the Naira Ashraf incident or road accidents and natural disasters - captured by surveillance cameras, or intentionally; Like the suicide videos that have increased recently, and there are many reasons for them.
 The study aimed to: identify how Egyptian news websites use video clips to cover all kinds of incidents on their Facebook pages. The study relied on the methodology of the comprehensive survey of the pages of (Al-Youm Al-Sabea, Al-Watan, and Al-Masry Al-Youm) websites, which extended from 1/7/2022 AD to 31/8/2022 AD, using the two methods of content analysis and interview. The study concluded with several results, most notably:
 The contents of the accident videos varied, most of which were “murders”, especially the killing of colleagues and friends, then the spouses, then “accidents”, most notably road accidents (collision and run-over), drowning and medical errors. , while I said on the page of the seventh day. The internal video sources (from the journalist and correspondent of the site, then the film materials produced by the site and finally the announcer of the newsletter), which were more visible on the Al-Watan website, were also topped.


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