The role of electronic newspapers in shaping public knowledge about third sector institutions

Document Type : Original Article


The study aimed to monitor the level of knowledge of individuals acquired from electronic newspapers about charitable work activities in Egypt, such as the portals of Akhbar Al-Youm, Al-Masry Al-Youm, Al-Youm Al-Sabi, and Al-Wafd portal to identify the role of charitable media in shaping the public's knowledge towards third sector institutions.
A deliberate sample of the respondents was chosen who fulfilled two basic conditions: exposure to websites and electronic newspapers, specifically Akhbar Al-Youm, Al-Youm Al-Sabea, Al-Masry Al-Youm, and Al-Wafd electronic portal, as they are the most interested electronic portals in third-sector institutions, and interest in volunteer work and the activities and services of charitable institutions in the local community.
The governorate of Alexandria was chosen (Sharq and Al-Montazah districts to represent the urban areas of the study, and the regions of Abis and Khorshid to represent the countryside there). The study included in its human field a sample consisting of 350 respondents.
It can be said that the results of the study are consistent with the theory of the knowledge gap, which indicated that the media does not succeed in conveying information to the public of all its categories to the same degree and the different acquisition of information among individuals, according to certain variables and circumstances that must be taken into account such as gender, age, marital status and place of residence. And the level of interest of individuals or the level of their knowledge background and the socio-economic level. And with the remarkably high rates of knowledge growth, especially what is related to this knowledge of local or international social problems and realities.


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