The Capacity of Legislative Frameworks for Facilitating Virtual Companies Establishment Procedures: A Study of the Future of the Actual Media Institutions.

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Educational Media - Faculty of Specific Education - Zagazig University - Zagazig - Egypt


The current study aims to reveal the benefit of establishing virtual companies and institutions for the Egyptian national economy and for anticipating the actual and virtual media institutions' future scenarios. The study utilized the survey approach. Instruments of data collection included a) a questionnaire administered to a sample of 120 expert and staff members working in press and media institutions and websites and b) analyzed documents of the current legislative framework. Results showed that the benefits of institutions and companies' virtual establishment encompass the inclusion of many unregistered economic institutions to the registered economy, saving the costs of establishing emerging companies' headquarters by 90.2%, improving the status of Egypt for ease of doing business index which sustains its regional position by 89.0%, and helping the workforce, the influential ones, to adopt digital transformation for being the core element for making the best use of different types of modern technology used in digital development and virtual media institutions and companies by 89.0%. Finally, regarding the status of the actual media institutions in the future, the researcher developed three future scenarios during the next two decades 2023-2043, namely, the status quo scenario in which media institutions remain the same in the future without change, the transformation scenario, an optimistic one, in which there is a shift from the actual presence to the virtual one adapting with the current status, and the pessimistic scenario in which the era of actual media institutions come to an end. 


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