Using artificial intelligence in producing Islamic advocacy discourse: opportunities and challenges

Document Type : Original Article


The study sought to determine the opportunities and challenges involved in employing artificial intelligence techniques and software in producing religious and advocacy content, and the study concluded with some important results following conclusions:
-Artificial intelligence applications are a technology that contributes to the development of the mental work carried out by the human mind, and they were designed to assist the human mind in obtaining information, data, reports, and articles quickly, and are not a substitute for it.
- There are successful experiences in employing artificial intelligence in the media field, such as producing media reports based on huge data that is fed to artificial intelligence software and editing photos and videos in record time.
- There are many opportunities available for preachers, imams, and producers of religious content to develop their advocacy performance based on artificial intelligence applications after reviewing and auditing them by the producers of religious content.
- Artificial intelligence applications allow the preparation of various religious articles in record time according to the method appropriate for the preacher and the target audience and allow them to be reviewed, modified, and revised by the producers of religious discourse.
- Artificial intelligence applications can be used in the field of fatwas, by collecting dozens of fatwas that are similar to the situation to which the mufti is exposed, without being a substitute for the human mufti because he is more capable of adapting the fatwa situation and weighing the available evidence on the subject of the fatwa.
- there are legitimate concerns about the rush to expand reliance on artificial intelligence applications, as over-reliance on them may kill the individual creativity of some preachers and producers of religious content, in addition to concerns related to cybersecurity and the erosion of users’ individual privacy.


Main Subjects

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