Audience's Interaction with content related to "War on Gaza 2023" Via News Pages on Social Media: a study using Big Data according to Sentiment Analysis and Topic Modeling

Document Type : Original Article


Educational Media Department, Faculty of Specific Education, Minia University


The research aims to explore and analyze the Arab audience's interaction with content related to the "War on Gaza 2023" across news pages on social media. This is done by relying on big data, utilizing sentiment analysis and topic modeling techniques. The study involves analyzing forms of interaction and audience comments on posts related to the war on the Facebook pages of Al Jazeera Egypt and BBC News Arabic during the period from October 7, 2023, to November 23, 2023. The analysis employed natural language processing (NLP) techniques and Python language for classifying interaction forms and associated sentiments. It also classified audience sentiments in comments as positive or negative, aiming to understand the meanings of comments and responses circulating on those pages. Additionally, topic modeling was conducted using the Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) tool to identify the most discussed topics related to the war. The research sample included 571,267 comments and 8,353,047 forms of interaction on the two pages, The analysis yielded several important results, including:
- The sentiment analysis based on interaction forms revealed that both Al Jazeera Egypt and BBC News Arabic pages had a similar trend, with "likes" dominating positive interactions and the "sad" emoji dominating negative interactions on Al Jazeera Egypt, while the "laugh" emoji dominated negative interactions on BBC News Arabic.
- Sentiment analysis of audience comments demonstrated the presence of (positive) feelings of solidarity among the audience of the Al Jazeera Egypt page and the BBC News Arabic page with Palestine and Gaza.
- Topic modeling identified six prominent topics dominating discussions on Al Jazeera Egypt, including supporting the Palestinian cause and resistance, sympathy with children and victims, displacement of Gaza residents, U.S. support for Israel, Al-Azhar's stance on events, and the official Arab stance. On BBC News Arabic, three prominent topics emerged: solidarity with Palestine and Gaza, Israeli attacks on hospitals and civilians, and the page's policy toward the events.
- There is a large discrepancy in the volume of coverage of the Gaza war and the volume of interaction by the public with it between the (Al Jazeera-Egypt, BBC News Arabic) page in favor of the Al Jazeera page


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