Exposure to Egypt's Dar Al Ifta's Facebook page and its impact on the level of religious knowledge among its followers

Document Type : Original Article


The Department of Journalism and Mass Communication at the American University in Cairo


The study aimed to examine the Impact of Egypt's Dar Al Ifta's Facebook page on the level of Religious Knowledge Among its Followers. it provides an in-depth analysis of how the Facebook page of Dar Al Ifta, a significant religious institution in Egypt, influences its followers' religious knowledge. The study utilizes a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative and quantitative research methods. It starts by examining the broader context of social media's role in spreading religious information. The form was applied in the period from November 10, 2022, until December 10, 2022 (30 days). The Uses and Gratifications Theory underpins the research framework, focusing on user engagement and the gratifications obtained from following the page.
The study includes a comprehensive literature review, highlighting previous works on the intersection of religion and social media. It then delves into Dar Al Ifta's online presence and strategy, analyzing how the institution uses its Facebook page to engage with followers. The core of the research involves a survey and interviews with followers of the page, aiming to understand their demographics, usage patterns, and the types of content they find most beneficial.
Key areas of inquiry include the frequency of visits to the page, reasons for following, level of interaction with the content, and the perceived impact on followers' religious understanding. The study seeks to determine whether the Facebook page serves as a significant source of religious knowledge and how it shapes the religious beliefs and practices of its audience. This research is crucial in understanding the evolving dynamics of religious education and discourse in the digital age, particularly within the context of Islamic institutions in Egypt.
The significant findings of the study on Dar Al Ifta's Facebook page's impact on religious knowledge reveal that the page is a vital source of religious information for its followers. It highlights that users frequently visit the page for religious guidance and find the content trustworthy. The study also uncovers a positive correlation between the frequency of page visits and the enhancement of religious understanding among followers. These findings underscore the growing importance of social media platforms in disseminating religious knowledge and shaping religious beliefs in the digital era.


Main Subjects

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