The trend of academics and professionals towards applying artificial intelligence techniques in newsrooms on television news sites to detect fake news

Document Type : Original Article


nahda university


The study aimed to identify the degree of trend of academics and professionals towards applying artificial intelligence techniques in the newsrooms of television news sites to detect fake news, by identifying the level of academics’ and professionals’ knowledge of artificial intelligence techniques, monitoring the level of respondents’ use of artificial intelligence techniques across news sites, and measuring The extent of the respondents’ confidence in using artificial intelligence techniques to detect fake news. This study belongs to descriptive studies, and within its framework, a survey method was used. In that study, the researcher used a questionnaire as a tool to collect the required data. The study was applied to a random sample of (395) individuals from academics and professionals. The study included 267 academic staff members at Egyptian universities who specialize in media, and 128 professionals who communicate on news sites. The study reached a set of results, the most important of which are: There are statistically significant differences between the average scores of the respondents on the scale of using artificial intelligence techniques depending on the difference in the degree of respondents’ knowledge of artificial intelligence techniques across news sites. It was also shown that there is a positive, statistically significant correlation between the level of exposure of respondents to fake news via news websites and the level of the trend toward applying artificial intelligence techniques to detect fake news via news websites. It also resulted in a positive, statistically significant correlation between the level of respondents’ knowledge of artificial intelligence techniques and the level of the trend towards applying artificial intelligence techniques in detecting fake news through news websites.



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