Women's Perspectives on the Reality of Divorced Women through Facebook Pages - A Field Study upon the Public Sphere Theory

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Media and Mass Communication - Arab Open University


The research aimed to determine women's perspectives on the reality of divorced women and their ability to face life through monitoring and analyzing posts that reflect their reality on Facebook pages extensively and accurately, to perceive the role of these pages in the lives of divorced women as a tool for expressing their feelings and challenges. The researcher relied on the theory of the public sphere, and the study may have focused on a female sample. This study falls within the framework of descriptive and analytical studies, in which the researcher used a questionnaire as a data collection tool from the study participants.
The result concluded that those pages provide them with a public platform to freely express their problems in a closed world without fear or concern about societal reactions. The research also found that dissatisfaction with marital life is the main motivation and cause of divorce, and financial crises are the most discussed topic by divorced women. The researcher also discovered that middle-class women are more engaged with the issues shared on those pages.
The results also indicated that these pages have increased female empathy towards the reality of divorced women, making them aware of what divorced women go through. The researcher suggested conducting further studies to understand the negative impact of pages that express the reality of divorced women on different segments of society, as well as studying the extent to which a divorced woman's economic situation affects her life and the lives of her children.


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