The Future of Producing Cinema and Television Historical Drama in Egypt in the Light of Foreign Drama Competition

Document Type : Original Article




 The study of the future of historical drama production aimed to understand future transformations, to produce historical drama, then improve the quality of the content, meet audience expectations, move towards innovation, enhance research, and knowledge, develop production strategies, direct policies investments, explore social and cultural transformations. It could be useful also from its digital transformation. The Efforts can be directed also towards providing content that reflects these transformations and enhances understanding and cultural coexistence to preserve Egyptian identity and sound religious beliefs far from extremism or deviation. Drama can also be used as an educational tool to transfer historical knowledge and enhance awareness. , The study used the survey newspapers in different cultures to develop the social and cultural skills of students by applying it to 400 students from cinema institutes and radio departments in colleges of media, used the interviews newspapers for drama and history experts, and reached several results and the most important of them are: The state must intervene in production, and historical production must be taken as an approach to spreading the cultural and historical awareness of its citizens to deepen national belonging and emphasize the constants of Egyptian identity. The state should adopt historical dramas that are produced by private producers and help them through open tourist areas for filming for free and without compensation.  Paying attention to the cultural awareness of history from all those responsible for dramatic works, providing budgets for the work, and introducing artificial intelligence techniques to facilitate the work and direct it appropriately without disrupting the historical event. 


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