Predictors of electronic gaming addiction among adolescents Towards an explanatory model

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Mass Communication- Sinai University (Alkantara Shark)


For the majority of adolescents, involvement in electronic gaming is an enjoyable pastime and an attractive form of entertainment. Nonetheless, there's a growing apprehension that excessive engagement in gaming could result in negative consequences, particularly an increased susceptibility to addiction. This study aimed to elucidate the phenomenon of electronic gaming addiction among adolescents by identifying potential predictive factors. Employing a survey approach, the study utilized a questionnaire distributed to a purposive sample of 450 adolescents aged 13 to 19.
By path analysis, the study formulated a theoretical framework for electronic gaming addiction, comprising four distinct categories of factors conducive to its prediction. These factors encompass game-specific elements (such as duration of play, motives, passion, and avatar identification), social variables (involving social exclusion and family communication), psychological aspects (including self-esteem and loneliness), and only one demographic factor, which is gender. Additionally, the findings demonstrated elevated scores among adolescents across all seven dimensions of addiction (importance, craving, mood alteration, withdrawal, relapse, conflict, and problems).


Main Subjects

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