The Ethics of displaying digital advertising breaks and public’s attitude towards them –- A field study within the framework of social responsibility theory

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of media and mass communication, Misr for science technology university


This study seeks to determine the ethics of displaying digital advertising breaks and Public’s attitude towards them within the framework of the theory of social responsibility, Through analyzing the effect of the intensity of displaying advertising breaks with digital content over the Internet, and measuring the credibility of the information and the objectivity of the advertiser when presenting advertising breaks heavly, and identifing the factors that contribute to applay the displaying advertising breaks ethics and implementing them effectively, through field application on a research sample consisted of 400 participant, during the period from 2/15/2023 until 3/15/2023, The study found that there is a weak direct correlation (positive) between the intensity of the display of digital advertising breaks and the negative attitude of the audience (aversion), as well as the existence of a weak direct correlation (positive) between the intensity of the display of digital advertising breaks and the audience’s feeling that there is a conflict of interests in favor of the advertiser, and There is a moderate (positive) direct correlation between the intensity of displaying digital advertising breaks and the audience’s feeling of distress, in addition to the existence of a correlation between taking into account the ethics of displaying Digital advertising breaks and the audience’s attitude toward those ads.


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