The future of the drama writing profession in light of artificial intelligence developments in the next decade 2024-2034: A prospective study within actor network model

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Media, libraries and information, Afro-Asian Institute, Suez Canal University, Egypt


The current research tries to predict the future of the drama writing profession in light of the increasing developments of artificial intelligence technologies in the next decade. The author depends on in-depth interviews with drama writers, experts in artificial intelligence, and discussion groups with the public.
The research was based on the Delphi method of scenarios, where the researcher conducted the first round with 11 drama writers, 9 artificial intelligence experts, and 20 members of the public. Then the researcher concluded the scenarios and returned to the same sample again to choose the scenario that they think is most appropriate.
The study participants agreed that it is likely that the “integration scenario” will continue, which means cooperation and integration between humans and artificial intelligence during the next decade between 2024 and 2034. They differed as to whether this scenario will continue throughout the decade or whether there are other scenarios that could occur due to the rapid developments of this scenario. Technologies. Drama writers suggested that the relationship between writers and artificial intelligence would continue within the framework of integration throughout the entire next decade, while artificial intelligence experts and the public expected an “artificial intelligence control scenario” overwriting dramatic content. The results did not support the “optimistic scenario” much due to its weak foundations in the current reality.


Main Subjects

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