Al Jazeera's Coverage of EU News during Russian-Ukrainian crisis

Document Type : Original Article


faculty of mass communication- Radio and television Department


The study was aimed at monitoring how Al Jazeera presented EU Topics and issues during the Ukrainian crisis in terms of the Trend of News processing and the European Union's themes during that crisis, key actors in the crisis and the news frameworks used by the channel in addressing the news, and the focal points on which the channel relied to provide news by analyzing the Al Jazeera s evening news prior to the Russian military operation and during its first months.
 The study drew on the survey curriculum with a view to obtaining information and data by describing and analyzing the contents of the European Union's and based on Farming Theory and included the time range of the sample beginning with the Russian military operation of Ukraine In the process of straining relations between the two countries and the Russian mobilization on Ukraine's borders, and military exercises between Russia and Belarus, and even after the Russian military operation on Ukraine, This is within a period of time for 13 weeks from 1 January 2022 to 7 April 2022. Among the most important findings of the study: are 193 news stories related to the European Union and a total of 734 expert frameworks used to present EU issues and topics in the island's bulletins. "Conflict with the Other" and Secondly "Frame of Support to Allies and Friendly States" Then "economic results" frame and then the "economic results" frame. "Cooperation", then "Risk", then "Peace".
 on the types of topics and issues mentioned by the European Union in the news, the foremost of which is political issues, in total 101 news and then second place. "Economic Issues" followed by "Military Issues", "Health Issues" and "Media Issues" "Legal Cases", "Sports Cases" are Equally Evident, and the Negative Trend in Processing is 42.5% higher. News responsible for Russia's invasion of Ukraine in the West is represented by the United States and the European Union following the positive trend and then the neutral trend. A total of 227 main European personalities, more than the number of news figures, were given in the forefront of these figures, "European Heads of State of the Union", followed by "European Union Foreign Policy Officer" and then by "the President of the European Commission".


Main Subjects

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