Frameworks for addressing opinion and investigative materials on climate change issues in Arab newspaper websites and the public’s attitudes towards them: an applied study

Document Type : Original Article


مصر المنيا مركز سمالوط شرق قرية اطسا المحطة


The study aimed to identify the frameworks of addressing opinion and survey materials on climate change issues in Arab newspaper websites and the public's attitudes towards them, using the tools of frame analysis and questionnaire, and by applying it to a sample of 400 individuals from users of opinion and survey materials and an analytical sample of 423 topics from the sample of Arab websites distributed as 93 Egyptian Al-Ahram newspapers, 135 Lebanese Al-Nahar newspapers, and 195 Saudi Sabq newspapers. The study concluded that the study sample websites focused on the level of awareness of climate change issues through opinion and survey materials, "where reading climate change topics ranked first in them." "At a rate of 90.5%, the second place was occupied by "increasing information about climate change" at a rate of 81.0%, the third place was occupied by "knowing how to protect ourselves from infection" and "following healthy habits and changing wrong behaviors" at a rate of 71.5%, the fourth place was occupied by "urging me to protect myself from the negatives of climate change" at a rate of 62.0%, and the fifth place was occupied by "making me not care about the topics and issues of climate change in general" at a rate of 57.3%. The study recommends that opinion and survey materials should focus on their topics on linking increasing the citizen's productivity with his lifestyle and physical and mental health in general, and adapting to the consequences of climate phenomena so that we can protect ourselves and our societies, in addition to doing everything we can to reduce emissions and slow the pace of global warming


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