Exploring the Effectiveness of a Specialized AI Tool Among Communication Professionals and Its Impact on Journalistic Output Quasi-experimental exploratory study

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Mass Communication, beni suef University


The application of artificial intelligence (AI) in journalism is gaining significant traction, with potential uses spanning content generation, data analysis, and audience engagement. AI tools can assist journalists in sifting through vast datasets to identify trends and patterns and can automate routine tasks such as fact-checking, editing, and translation. Nevertheless, integrating AI into journalism raises ethical concerns, particularly regarding the potential for bias in algorithmic decision-making. Despite these challenges, AI is poised to revolutionize journalism, with its adoption expected to increase in the coming years.
Given the pivotal role of AI tools and applications in journalism, this study delves into the impact of a specialized journalism AI application, "sahafiai.net," on communication professionals. The research aims to assess the effectiveness of this application, its range of uses, and its influence on journalistic output and the facilitation of journalistic tasks, encompassing information gathering, editing, translation, and proofreading. Both the positive and negative implications will be examined. The study's theoretical framework is a combination of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Value-Added Model (VAM), and Human-Centered Design (HCD). Employing a quasi-experimental design, the researcher will personally evaluate the application and provide a chatbot to 30 journalists to gauge its impact on their journalistic tasks and to observe the characteristics of the journalistic product before and after use. Additionally, in-depth interviews will be conducted with the application's designers and developers.


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This application is paid but is in the experimental stage, and a free link was sent to a sample of respondents (30) to try out the application and its capabilities within two months.
- The questionnaire was judged by:
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- Prof. Dr. Nisreen Hossam El Din, Professor of Journalism, Faculty of Media, Beni Suef University.
- Prof. Dr. Engy Abu El Ezz, Assistant Professor of Radio and Television, Faculty of Media, Beni Suef University.
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Shahata El Sayed is the founder and CEO of OSHAI, a technology and AI company that designed and implemented the Smart Journalist application. The interview was conducted on July 7, 2024 at the company’s headquarters. - Muhannad Adel, Software Developer, Yemen. The interview was conducted via Zoom on July 10, 2024.