The discourse of writers of newspaper articles Arabic towards the effects of artificial intelligence risks and methods of modern generation warfare

Document Type : Original Article


كلية الإعلام جامعة الأزهر


The study aims to Explore and analyze Arabic electronic newspapers that track the developments of artificial intelligence and reveal the places of its use, its most important applications, fields, and benefits to society. It also reflects its various influences on newspapers such as improving content, producing the most important articles and news reports, interacting with the public, detecting fake news, improving linguistic methods, and correcting linguistic and grammatical errors in published news and reports. The study relies on the survey methodology, using the method of analyzing the journalistic discourse of articles on a sample of Egyptian-Emirati digital newspapers represented by (Egyptian Al-Shorouk - and the UAE Gulf) and the study found that:
- The results showed that artificial intelligence technology has become a reality in many areas: including the field of scientific research and education, which came in an advanced rank by (21.86%), and the field of military institutions, communications and digital transformation ranked second by (16.39%). The study showed the importance of artificial intelligence technology methods for article writers, such as photo and video editing methods and the search method in the first place (29.89%), and the classification, automatic writing method, and natural language processing methods came in second place (21.40%).
These methods also contribute to the development of the form of journalistic content and the way it is published to the public, as well as to the general reception of media messages and ways to interact with them.-
The results also showed the negative effects of security media applications supported by artificial intelligence in the press discourse, and the most prominent of these negatives was the loss of the work team to a large number of media professionals, which ranked first among article writers with a percentage of 32.05%, followed by electronic penetration and violation of privacy in second place, which amounted to 24.33%.
 The study reached the most important ethical standards associated with artificial intelligence applications as explained by the writers of articles in the study newspapers, such as adherence to journalistic standards demanded by the writers, where it topped the first place by (23.25%), followed by respect for privacy, diversity and inclusiveness by 18.08%.
The study recommends the need to integrate artificial intelligence technology in newspapers to collect, process, and present information, use it when necessary, invest and benefit from it in multiple fields, link news to each other, and review and produce it.


Main Subjects

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