Egyptian youth’s exposure to food bloggers’ content via social media and its relationship to purchasing intention.

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Public Relations and Advertising, Faculty of Mass Communication, Al-Azhar University


This study sought to identify the effect of the determinants (gaining information, entertainment, and emotional satisfaction) on the trend towards the content of food bloggers via social media, in addition to studying the effects of the attitude towards the content of food bloggers on the purchasing intention for the food products.
The study relied on a survey approach and used the questionnaire as a tool to collect data from 414 young Egyptian social media users. The study concluded with some important results as follows:
There is a positive relationship between the three values ​​(gaining information, entertainment, and emotional satisfaction) and the attitude toward the content of food bloggers. The attitude of Egyptian youth towards food videos is primarily influenced by the information value, followed by the entertainment value, and then emotional satisfaction.
The study also demonstrated a positive relationship between attitude toward food bloggers’ content and purchasing intention. Regarding the effectiveness of marketing using food bloggers’ content, about 90% of respondents indicated that food bloggers’ content is an effective marketing tool, and this confirms the increasing use of this tool as a marketing method in the recent period by food brand owners.


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