Asian Press Discourse regarding the Uighur Issue in China A comparative analytical study

Document Type : Original Article


modern university for technology and information


The study aims to monitor and analyze the framing of the Asian discourse regarding Uighur in China during 2022, to identify the most prominent themes contained therein, and to reveal the frames used in the Asian press discourse to identify the similarities and differences between newspapers' discourse of the study sample. This study belongs to analytical descriptive studies. Using the media survey and methodological comparison methods, it relied on the discourse analysis to reveal the various intellectual trends reflected in the Asian newspaper regarding the Uighur issue by monitoring ideas and opinions presented within the journalistic treatment of the causes, findings, solutions and future scenarios of this issue.
The researcher selected China's Global Times and India's Times of India due to the interest of the two newspapers in the Uighur issue, and both newspapers provided various insights due to their different political orientations
The study concluded that the sample newspapers differed in the frameworks used to present the Uighur crisis, where the impact of the newspaper's political and ideological orientation reflected the framing of the newspapers' discourse. China's Global Times relied on the use of conflict and conspiracy frames, which is consistent with the newspaper's political orientation to highlight the conflict between China and the United States of America, focusing on persistent attempts by the West to conspire to discredit China, while The Times of India relied on national responsibility and national interest frames due to India's endeavor to highlight the importance of assuming responsibility for the Uighur crisis, considering that India does not vote on the decision to investigate humanitarian conditions in China based on its perception of the issue as an internal affair in which outside states are not entitled to intervene. The Malaysian star relied mainly on the conflict frame as the newspaper presented China’s criticism of the United Nations' reports on Xinjiang as a political tool, the United Nations accusations of China as a country violating human rights in Xinjiang, the Japanese Parliament’s condemnation of China’s policies regarding the Uyghurs.


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