Ripples of Change, How Social Media Drives Awareness and Direct Behavior in Egypt's Water Crisis: A Quantitative Study

Document Type : Original Article


October University for Modern Science and Arts


Egypt faces a critical water crisis necessitating meticulous management and preservation of existing water resources. In an era dominated by social media, understanding its potential for addressing crises and fostering behavioral change is imperative. This research scrutinizes the effectiveness of the "Save Egypt's Water" initiative, the first of its kind on these platforms, aimed at raising awareness and catalyzing behavioral shifts in Egyptian water usage patterns. With limited Arabic studies in this domain, the research examines the platform's impact on understanding, perception, retention, and subsequent engagement, crucial indicators of behavioral change. By exploring the intersection of social media, water conservation, and Egyptian society, this study provides valuable insights into leveraging digital platforms for sustainable resource management. This study employed quantitative research, where data collected was done through an online survey that was distributed among a sample of 184 individuals (N=184). The results provided by the study reflect different implications regarding the Facebook page, the followers of the page, and the people in general.


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