Expert Attitudes Towards the Public Relations Profession in the Context of Modern Digital Tools Enhanced by Artificial Intelligence and Their Impact on the Future of the Profession

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer of Public Relations and Advertising – Faculty of Mass Communication – AlAzhar University in Cairo


The study aimed to explore expert attitudes towards the public relations profession in light of the use of modern digital tools enhanced by artificial intelligence. It sought to investigate their expectations regarding the positive and negative impacts that the future of public relations might hold with these tools and to identify the key challenges facing public relations practitioners in their current use of AI-enhanced technologies and big data. The study also aimed to understand their views on overcoming these challenges, applying the study to a sample of 50 public relations experts. The study relied on the AI usage model in the field of public relations developed by Christopher Penn. The results indicated that there is increasing reliance on modern technologies that assist the dynamic field of public relations, and that the profession is continually evolving with the emergence of new techniques and tools. Among the experts' top expectations regarding the positive impacts of the future of public relations, in the context of modern digital tools enhanced by AI, were the diversification of tasks and the continuous development of skills. This requires practitioners to rapidly adapt and enhance their skills to ensure success in the field. Additionally, the results highlighted that the difficulty of career advancement in public relations, especially amidst intense job competition and an unstable work environment, were among the primary negative expectations experts had for the profession's future.


Main Subjects

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