Title: Factors affecting the quality of e-government services and their perceived value among citizens and the intention of their continuous use: a field study.

Document Type : Original Article


mass communication Dep- faculty of arts- New valley university


The study aims to reveal the factors that contribute to the formation of Egyptian citizens' perceptions towards the quality of e-government services and their intention to continue using e-government services. Examining the perceived value of e-government services among citizens and its impact on the relationship between service quality and continuance intention. This descriptive study employed a survey methodology using a questionnaire as the data collection tool. The study was applied to a sample of 400 respondents, and the study reached several results, including most of the elements of quality The service was highly rated by the citizens (public service consumers). And the values associated with the use of the website (efficiency - democracy - inclusiveness) had a high rating among the public. And that the value of the perceived service of e-government services was high among citizens (public service consumers). As well as the high intention of continuous use among the study sample of public service consumers and their satisfaction with the services provided. The quality of public service indirectly affects the intention of continuous use, the perceived value of the service, and the public's satisfaction with the website. While the credibility index declined as one of the components of the quality of service in the study sample.


Main Subjects

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