Convergence between Classical and Modern theories in light of contemporary trends in new media research.

Document Type : Original Article


mass communication- Sinai university- Arish


With the decline of the traditional linear system of one-way media and the rise of new media imposed by technological determinism, researchers in the field of new media may face some challenges in establishing a theoretical framework for research, as while some classical theories can be developed to serve the new media, others may not be appropriate for use as theoretical frameworks to explain it.
From this perspective, this research represents a modest attempt to compare classical and modern theories in the light of modern trends in new media research. The researcher analyzes 210 published research papers on new media, comprising 110 Arab papers and 100 foreign ones, published between 2013 and 2023.
The research reaches a set of findings, the most important among which is that new media research frequently uses classic theories without any attempt to develop or adapt them. The findings also demonstrate that 41.7% of this research mentions the theories without applying them, 23.4% use the theories only in formulating hypotheses, and 21% use them only in interpreting results. The lowest percentage, at 13.7%, represents the research that employs the theories in both formulating hypotheses and interpreting results.
The current research also proposes a model that integrates the most used theories in new media research, namely ‘uses and gratifications theory’, ‘media richness theory’, and ‘media dependence theory’, under the title of the ‘richness-use-dependence model.” This model aims to explain the mutual influence between new media and its target audience.


Main Subjects

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