Employing infographics on the official page of the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population on Facebook to raise awareness of psychological health: A qualitative study

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of mass communication - Ain Shams University


The study aims to describe and analyze how the official page of the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population on Facebook uses infographics to present psychological health topics, and the public’s evaluation of its effectiveness in raising awareness and spreading knowledge in the field of psychological health based on dual-coding theory. The current study is descriptive and relied on the survey approach using the qualitative content analysis tool for a sample of psychological health infographics published on the official page of the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population over a full year, totaling (146) infographics, in addition to the focus groups discussion tool, which was applied to three groups of the Egyptian public who follow the official page of the Ministry of Health and Population, with a total of (30) respondents. The results of the study revealed the prominent role of infographics published on the page of the Ministry of Health and Population in attracting and educating respondents in the field of psychological health. The topic of “addiction” topped the list of psychological health topics that the infographic focused on during the study analysis period, followed by the topic of “psychological health safety” based on the informative approach in addressing them, while the topics of “depression,” “anxiety,” and “stress” were the most prominent psychological health topics that attracted the attention of the respondents in the focus groups discussion. The design features of the psychological health infographic were characterized by moderation in the use of colors, clarity of the color contrast element, and the use of photographs and expressive drawings to clarify the written textual information.


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