Semiotics of Donald Trump's Assassination Attempt Images During the 2024 US Presidential Election Campaign: An Analytical Study of Images Published on Official Websites of International TV Channels

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Radio and Television, Faculty of Media and Communication Technology, South Valley University, Qena


This research presents a semiotic analysis of images of the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, the former US President, during his 2024 election campaign, using a theoretical framework based on Roland Barthes’ approaches. The research focuses on how images are used on the official websites of international TV channels to shape political messages and reinforce narratives about the event. Analyzing the visual elements of the image and understanding its dimensions and connotations, contributes to understanding the deep messages contained in the images. The research relies on the media scanning approach and uses semiological analysis to interpret the symbols and implicit connotations in the images published on international websites. The analyses showed that the published images used multiple methods to direct messages and reinforce narratives about the incident. For example, some websites such as CNN and BBC relied on visual techniques such as high contrast and dark colors to enhance the sense of danger, reflecting a focus on security dimensions and tension. In contrast, other websites such as Sky News presented a mix of close-ups and long shots to accurately display details in a broader context, which helped provide a more comprehensive picture of reactions and interactions. Euronews focused on providing detailed information about Trump’s injury, reflecting the political and social implications of the incident. The results also revealed clear differences in how visual elements were presented through images across the sites, with CNN and BBC focusing on the human and emotional dimensions to enhance empathy with the image, while Sky News and Euronews highlighted the political and security aspects. These differences illustrate how images can be used to convey specific connotations towards the incident, enhancing the effectiveness of different media messages and reflecting the diversity of international media strategies in covering important events.


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