The Impact of Artificial Intelligence Technologies on Targeting and Shaping Egyptian Youth’s Attitudes towards Public Opinion Issues: A Field Study of Youth and Expert Opinions in Media and Artificial Intelligence

Document Type : Original Article


The study seeks to achieve a main goal represented in measuring "the impact of artificial intelligence technologies on targeting and shaping the orientations of Egyptian youth towards public opinion issues", and the study community is formed of the Egyptian youth audience who are aware of artificial intelligence technologies and their applications. Due to the large size of the study community, a deliberate sample of 400 individuals was drawn from the Egyptian youth audience who are exposed to and follow artificial intelligence technologies from various social, educational and economic levels. The in-depth interview community was represented by (25 individuals) from Egyptian media experts, so this sample will be drawn from some Egyptian media institutions that employ artificial intelligence technologies such as Cairo News Channel, Nile News Channels, Egyptian TV Channels, and Extra News News Channel. The study reached many results, the most important of which are:

Analysis of the interview results indicates that the use of AI technologies in digital media significantly enhances the quality of content and the accuracy of audience targeting, as these technologies contribute to customizing content to match audience preferences, which increases the effectiveness of media messages and helps TV channels provide attractive and accurate news. However, digital media faces major challenges related to the rapid development of technology and high competition, which puts pressure on those working in this field to keep pace with modern innovations, such as the use of virtual reality and artificial intelligence in photography and analysis. There are also clear concerns about its potential negative effects, such as content bias and marginalization of human expertise, in addition to the possibility of influencing public opinion in an unbalanced manner.
The results of the field study show that a large percentage of Egyptian youth rely heavily on smart applications to complete academic and educational tasks, as the percentage of these reached 71.8% of the sample. This reliance reflects the impact of these applications in improving educational performance and facilitating access to knowledge in innovative ways. The study showed that 48.8% of the study sample follow TV content that discusses public opinion issues and uses AI technologies extensively, while 38.2% follow this content irregularly, and 13% follow it rarely. The data also revealed a high level of awareness of the sample of AI technologies in TV content, as 61% indicated a high awareness of these technologies and their impact on addressing public issues, while the level of awareness was average for 31% and low for 8%. The results indicate the need to enhance awareness and training on how to benefit from AI technologies in analyzing and following up on public opinion issues. The study sample also highlighted the importance of using AI to update and cover public opinion issues quickly and effectively, enhance the viewing experience by enriching content with facts and information, and diversify the mechanisms for interacting with media content. Ultimately, these results reflect the impact of AI in improving the quality of media coverage and increasing audience interaction with content, which enhances the importance of integrating these technologies into the media to improve the viewer experience and provide more accurate and interactive content.


Main Subjects

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