"Re- Branding Strategy and its Impact on the brand value to Customers: A field study"

Document Type : Original Article


Faculty of Media& Mass Communication October 6 Unviersity


The brand is one of the company’s most important assets, whereas the logo is the primary visual factor that enables customers to recognize and communicate with it. The rebranding strategy has played an important role in the brand`s cycle and in enhancing its competitiveness. Thus, the problem of the study is to measure the impact the corporate rebranding on dimensions of brand equity (brand awareness, perceived quality, brand associations, brand loyalty). This study is conducted on a sample of 435 users.
The results of the study show that food industry companies are among the companies that have changed their brand and are the most used by individuals. The respondents’ feelings of “admiration" and "attraction" towards the new brand increased, as television advertisements were the most popular marketing channel through which consumers learned about the new brand. Moreover, the purchasing decision of the respondents wasn`t affected by the corporate rebranding, the result demonstrated that there is an inverse relationship between the impact of rebranding on the purchasing decision and the overall value of the brand, that is, the higher the overall value of the brand, the lower the negative impact on the purchasing decision of the brand after the change.


Main Subjects

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