Audience Trends towards Companies' Use of Deep Fake Technology in Re-Presenting Old Advertisements in a Modern Way A Case Study of Pepsi's 2024 Advertisement-Stay thirsty

Document Type : Original Article


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The study aimed to verify a set of objectives, the most important of which is to identify audience attitudes towards companies' use of deep fake technology in modernizing old advertisements and to reveal the audience's intentions and reactions towards the products advertised in this type of advertising. The researcher relied on the theory of deception, the survey method, and the case study method in formulating the hypotheses. Additionally, data collection was conducted using a questionnaire and interview tool.
The study reached several key findings, the most significant of which is that Pepsi used deep fake technology at a low level of technical application, both in terms of celebrity appearances and old filming locations, making it easy for the audience to detect. The results indicated negative audience attitudes towards companies' use of deep fake technology in presenting previous advertisements, fearing that companies might resort to using this technology to present counterfeit goods.
Regarding audience reactions in the event of widespread use of deep fake technology in advertising, they would refrain from purchasing products from companies that present this type of advertising, especially when there are multiple alternatives available. The most important correlational relationships found were as follows: the more companies use deceptive methods in advertising their products, the less positive and strong the audience's attitude towards them becomes.
Research interviews indicated that deep fake technology offers many creative ideas, and helps save time. However, caution must be exercised regarding the audience's discovery of this technology, as their reaction would be negative


Main Subjects

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