The Role of Social Media in Developing Egyptian Youth Awareness of the Human Fraternity Document

Document Type : Original Article


Lecturer, Department of Public Relations and Advertising- Al Jazeera Higher Institute for Media and Communication Sciences.


The current study aimed to identify the role of social media in developing the awareness of Egyptian youth in the document of human brotherhood, which is a descriptive study that used the sample survey method on university youth from students in some colleges and institutes of Azharite and private education. In dealing with the values ​​of contemporary Egyptian society. The study used a questionnaire, and an available sample of 200 respondents was selected equally between private and Azharian education, and the researcher classified and analyzed the results and presented them in statistical tables to clarify the role of social media in developing the awareness of Egyptian youth in the human fraternity document, explaining it, commenting on it and presenting its recommendations.
The study concluded that:
1- The study sample of students from public and private universities and institutes agreed that the average of those who do not know about the Human Fraternity Document is 94%, and this means that this group of young people needs to be aware of the document, and that they did not receive any information about the Human Fraternity Document from all the print and visual media. And audio or social media, and this is clear evidence of the apparent lack of dissemination of the document through the media.
2- The percentage of students ’satisfaction with the content and content of the document whose items were presented in the questionnaire 82%.
3- The media according to the interest of Egyptian youth in public universities: social communication, then the press, then television, then radio.
-Social media is the means that attracted the students' attention without other means by which students can be educated about the document of human fraternity.
4- There is a strong and statistically significant positive correlation between the response of female students of public universities to the Human Fraternity Document and the response of students of private institutes at a significance level of 0.01.


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*** Albaba fransis baba alfatikan fi musharakat aiftiradiat mae al'imam al'akbar du. 'ahmad altayib shaykh al'azhar eabr al'intrnt 4-2-2021.
***Tasrihat alrayiys yawm alkhamis almuafiq 4-2-2021 ealaa almawqie al'iiliktruniu liriasat aljumhuriat.