“Digital media and its implications for family relations in Egyptian society, a field study smart phone model”

Document Type : Original Article


Alexandria Media Institute


The study aims to identify digital media (smartphones), and its repercussions on the Egyptian family. This study used the theories of uses and gratifications and the theory of symbolic interactionism, and this study belongs to descriptive research. The survey method was used and the questionnaire form was applied to a non-probabilistic sample, specifically an available sample of Egyptian family members consisting of 200 individuals, who are users of modern smartphones.
This study concluded that smartphones changed the values ​​and habits of the respondents and that the respondents have the ability to change, and in terms of the time spent using the smartphone, it came to use the smartphone more than five hours 71.5% and this explains that majority of the respondents spend a great time using phones Smart and navigating through its applications and preoccupation with it and thus addiction and excessive use.
The results showed that the study sample uses smartphones in all places (home, work, public places) 32%, and this explains the extent to which they are connected to smartphones and not to be dispensed with in all places, thus using them at home and being preoccupied with family and family life and the basic roles to be performed and duties The attitude of his family, which leads to family problems, as well as at work and his preoccupation with the job role to be performed, which affects the production process.


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