The talk shows' treatment of international crises and its relationship to the audience's perception of the economic issue

Document Type : Original Article


The study aimed to identify the role of the talk shows' treatment of international crises and its relationship with the public's perception of the economic issue, by analyzing the content of the economic topics contained in the program (Al-Tasea) presented on the Egyptian First Channel, the program (Al-Hikaya) presented on the MBC Egypt channel, the program (Kalma Akhira) presented on the ON channel, and the program (Ala Mas'aliti) presented on the Sada Al-Balad channel, and the field study was applied to a random sample of (400) respondents from the Egyptian public, and this study is one of the descriptive studies, and the study reached many results, the most important of which are:-
The Russian-Ukrainian crisis ranked first, followed by the food security crisis, followed by the Nile River crisis and the Ethiopian dam with 44.3%, 34.0%, and 12.7%, respectively, of the international crises, while the issue of rising prices of basic goods and services ranked first, followed by economic growth rates, followed by the issue of rising oil and gas prices with 18.8%, 11.9%, and 10.3%, respectively, of the economic issues that were presented in the sample programs.
The measures taken by the state to deal with crises and issues ranked first, followed by encouraging the attraction of foreign direct investment, followed by social protection and ensuring the provision of basic commodities with 85.9%, 84.7%, and 80.9%, respectively, of the aspects on which the programs focused, while the degree of high reliance ranked first, followed by moderate reliance and low reliance with 69.0%, 24.5%, and 6.5%, respectively, of the study sample's reliance on the programs' handling of international crises and economic issues.


Main Subjects

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