Social Media Policy in Managing Publications Related to Gaza War 2023 “Tufan Al-Aqsa” and Its Impact on the Public Mood of its Users Study in Light of Public Mood Theory

Document Type : Original Article


department of media-faculty of art- Alexandria university


The current study aims to monitor the impact of how social media manages publications related to " Tufan Al-Aqsa "on the general mood of its users, and to this end an electronic identification has been used on a sample of (426) Individual social media users, the study was based on both mood management theory and Media Dependency Theory to interpret the results and used the Elsbach & Barr scale (1999) to measure the sentiment of the sample of the study. Among the most important findings of the research, is that social media came at the forefront of the sources on which the sample of the study relied to follow the news of the “Tufan Al-Aqsa”. The results also indicate that the majority of social media are biased in managing “Tufan Al-Aqsa” publications, especially Meta's applications, The study sample's actions to face social media bias varied between actions to circumvent the policy of these means or attempts to pressure the owners of these means, including the launching of "Hashtag", campaigns to develop a negative assessment of these applications, or recourse to digital news sites, a negative public mood prevailed among the study sample after being exposed to “Tufan Al-Aqsa” social media posts; The feelings of grief, anger, anxiety and tension, frustration and despair dominated among them. This was the result of how these publications were managed. It was also shown that there was a correlation between satisfaction with the media management of "Tufan Al-Aqsa” publications and their belief in their impartiality and their public mood.


Main Subjects

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