The Relationship between Modern Patterns in Teenager's Stories Application and Their Creative Thinking Skills (Field Study)

Document Type : Original Article


Journalism Department , Faculty of Mass Communication , Cairo University


The study aimed at revealing the relationship of modern communication patterns in the applications of teenage story to develop teenagers' thinking skills, by monitoring the rates of teenagers' use of digital story applications (whether serial or interactive), the motivations for use, and its relationship in developing their creative thinking skills, by using a field questionnaire on a deliberate sample of 120 items for the age group (12-21) years, residents of Greater Cairo, which includes (Cairo, Giza, and Qalyubia).
    This age group was divided into three categories: from (12 to 15 years old), then from (16 to 18 years old), and from (19 to 21 years old), in order to determine the extent of the effect of digital stories on teenagers at different ages of development and which of them are more responsive through criticism, analysis, and imagination (creative thinking), and during a structured interview with these groups, a questionnaire form was filled out from a set of questions to reveal the relationship of these styles to creative thinking among teenagers.
      The study found out that the sample generally preferred serial stories (on YouTube), which came first with a percentage weight of 29%. Then (interactive stories) came with a percentage weight of 28%, then (audio stories) came with a percentage weight of 24%, and finally (printed stories) came with a percentage weight of 19%. While the results indicated the ability of these stories to develop their creative thinking by measuring the ability to imagine and visualize the story, as well as criticise, analyse, or even draw a summary of the story. The style of stories (series) came at the forefront of the styles that increase the ability of the respondents to visualize and imagine events in their minds by 43.3%, and (interactive) came in second place with a rate of 23.3%, and (readable) came in third place with a rate of 17.5%, and finally (audio) came with a rate of 15.8%.


Main Subjects

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